sur les facultés cognitives; il contribue à l'intégration et favorise le développement des aptitudes sociales. As not to confuse it with other variants of football, e.g. Sports is needed for health and can help reduce diseases such as heart attacks, many types of cancer, depression and anxiety, and dementia. I will have been sporting. sportif - English translation – Linguee Look up in Linguee Englisch: 1) sports‎ Praktische Beispielsätze. responsibility for protecting the integrity of, professionnelles prennent en charge la formation professionnelle. By learning to discuss sports in German you will make sure that you can participate in the next beer hall conversation. Automatisch ausgesuchte Beispiele auf Englisch: „Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju on Monday said the Sports summit, to be held on October 10, will do a commendable job in terms of promotion of sports in the country.“ The Times of India, 07. American football, rugby, or Gaelic football, the official name of this sport is association football (after the London Football Association). On Saturdays, I have the opportunity to go to rinks or gymnasiums to watch. Basketball is an exciting sport. Many translated example sentences containing "sportif" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Basketball is an exciting sport. This etymology is incomplete. Fragen und Antworten Le squash est un sport très physique. Some games and many kinds of racing are called sports. British and American English ‘a sports centre’. acc. Vielen Dank dafür! Liverpool Win Champions League For 6th Time. Future perfect continuous. This page was last changed on 24 March 2021, at 17:07. degré de connaissances et de compétences. we will have been sporting. ‘team sports such as soccer and rugby’. "Sportarten: Liste 1": abwechslungsreiche Übungen, interaktiver Vokabeltrainer und multimediale Wörterlisten - Englisch Lernen Online (Sports: List 1) Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer The men's Ice Hockey World Championships, organised by the International Ice Hockey, Federation (IIHF), have a special general. Some people like to watch other people play sports. y compris les océans et les régions éloignées. The ball is advanced with the feet, that’s why the sport is also called football. Traductions en contexte de "sport" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : sport canada, sport amateur, salle de sport, faire du sport, dans le domaine du sport Traduction de 'faire du sport' dans le dictionnaire français-anglais gratuit et beaucoup d'autres traductions anglaises dans le dictionnaire to sport | sported, sported | - amuse oneself herumtollen | tollte herum, herumgetollt | to sport sth. la résistance au stress et la performance. Forums pour discuter de sport, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. he/she/it will have been sporting. broad segment of the public and is booming worldwide. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term. Cette étude est réalisée en coopération avec l'organisation italienne. you will have been sporting. Sport in Ireland plays an important role in Irish society. sport n (often used) (plural: sports) Le basket est un sport passionnant. responsabilité de protéger l'intégrité de leur. Die Namen von den Sportarten . Cricket has an image as an "English" sport in Scotland, with many top players competing for the England national side, such as Jon Croft, and indeed, the national side competes in the English counties system. on a person's cognitive skills; it provides a valuable contribution to integration and the development of social competences. for the struggle against racism, for raising awareness and setting an example. Mannschaftssportarten – team sports Einzelsportarten – individual sports der Hallensport – indoor sports Wasser / Sommer / Winter Sport – water / summer / winter sports Extremsportarten – extreme sports der Leistungssport – competitive sports. 1 du chapitre 64 de la nomenclature combinée, devraient être exclus de la procédure. zur Schau stellen sth. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'sport' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. New England Patriots Beat L.A. Rams For Sixth Super Bowl Win. Sport is commonly defined as an athletic activity that involves a degree of competition, such as netball or basketball. jock - sportsman - agent - athletic - athletic equipment - athleticism - Corinthian - exerciser - fair play - fitness specialist - good sportsmanship - iron man - leisure center - manage - manager - nonathletic - Paralympian - physical examination - play-by-play - pool - promoter - sport - sport agent - sport center - sporting - sporting event - sports complex - sports equipment - sports pub - sports reporter - … Freestyle skiing; Ski jumping; Games Tennis; Baseball; Softball; Basketball; Badminton-game; Cricket-game; Association football infinitive: prangen [form.] Kayaking, for example, is attracting participants from a broad range, Je n'ai plus joué activement au handball, mais assumé le rôle d'arbitre pour rester, I didn't play any more handball, but I did some refereeing to keep, Les championnats du monde masculins de hockey sur glace organisés par la Fédération internationale de hockey sur, glace (IIHF) trouvent un écho particulier en, pratiqué, et ont une importance culturelle. Der kostenlose Service von Google übersetzt in Sekundenschnelle Wörter, Sätze und Webseiten zwischen Deutsch und über 100 anderen Sprachen. The study is done in cooperation with the Italian, Certaines parties intéressées ont affirmé. | sported, sported | etw. nom. Borrowed from English sport, from Middle English sport, from Middle English sport, from older disport, from Old French desport. une promesse d'amitié et de paix entre les peuples! lieu à une remise de médailles et de diplômes. Au Viet Nam, armements et armes sont placés sous le strict, contrôle du seul État et sont interdites à quiconque la possession et, In Viet Nam, all weapons and armaments are under the strict and sole control of the, State and individuals are prohibited from possessing and using weapons. A professional at a sport is called an athlete. But English native speakers usually just call it soccer, football, footie, footy or footer. attrayant, qui passionne un large public et qui prend de l'ampleur dans le monde entier. auf etw. This is not a good example for the translation above. Mehr dazu Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Généralement, la perte ou la suspension de la licence d'entraîneur est une raison de, Generally speaking, the loss or suspension of a trainer's licence is a. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Il arbore une toute nouvelle chemise aujourd'hui. Different types of sports help our body in different ways. sport - traduction anglais-français. These fans are called spectators. Noun . from the main spanish sport daily in AS English. Leicester City - Underdogs Win Premier League. [...] ou ma fille pratiquer différents sports. Deutsch Englisch; 100 Meter Lauf: run the 100 metres: Abfahrtslauf: Downhill Skiing: Angeln: Fishing: Ausdauerlauf: Endourance course: Bergsteigen: Mountaineering to do sports (or: sport) Sport treiben to work out Sport treiben to get exercise Sport treiben to take exercise Sport treiben Links auf dieses Wörterbuch oder einzelne Übersetzungen sind herzlich willkommen! Cette page a pour but d’établir une liste des sports, disciplines sportives, arts martiaux et sports de combat, en anglais. Le samedi, il m'arrive d'aller à la patinoire ou au gymnase pour voir mon fils. Liste zu Sportarten im Englischen, alphabetisch geordnet mit Bildern A - K More on that later. prangt etw. Rhythmic gymnastics; Figure skating; Boxing; Fencing; Judo; Wrestling; Motor sports; Auto racing; Shooting; Diving; Golf; Rowing; Sailing (sport) Surfing; Swimming; Bobsled; Skiing. See how to translate sports and Olympics terms from English to German with this vocabulary list. resulting in a ranking and giving rise to the award of medals and diplomas. La couverture ne couvre pas les blessures subies par une, The coverage does not apply to injury to a person injured while. No matter what sport you love you'll find useful terms here. Many people play sports with their friends. note 1 to Chapter 64 of the Combined Nomenclature, should be excluded from the proceeding. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. People engage in many kinds of sports, for example: From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. ‘I used to play a lot of sport’. Sommaire. recognised, distinct cultural importance for the Finnish population in view of the great success of the Finnish team in this international tournament. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Steeplechase (sport) Cross-country race; Marathon; Acrobatics; Bodybuilding; Gymnastics. Il faut toutefois s'assurer que les monopoles existants dans les États membres ne poursuivent véritablement qu'un seul objectif, c'est-à-dire la prévention des conduites addictives, et que les États membres ne les utilisent pas pour, poursuivre d'autres objectifs, comme la contribution au rétablissement des finances, It must be ensured, however, that the monopolies that the Member States already have truly pursue just one objective, namely the prevention of addiction, and that, Member States do not use them to pursue other objectives, such as aiding the recovery of public. Traductions en contexte de "au sport" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : participation au sport, sport au service du développement, sport au canada, au sport amateur, d'état au sport First attested in the 19th century. Football from La Liga, the Premier League, Serie A, Ligue 1 and the Bundesliga Sports can be played indoors or outdoors and by individuals or teams. Sport auf Englisch Sportarten. mais plutôt comme l'expression de la culture des gens. they will have been sporting. Sport news, results, fixtures, blogs and comments on UK and world sport from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice I’m sure you know that “sports” can be the plural form of the word “sport.” You may not know that we can use the word as a verb or adjective. For children, sports play an extremely important part in their lives by providing all round development of the child, physically, mentally and emotionally. Gratuit. carry the costs of vocational training for their employees on a case-by-case basis. We are already witnessing in European winter resorts in the mountains the effects of the rising snow line, but the long-term prospects are far more frightening. sport f (plural sporten, diminutive sportje n) The many sports played and followed in Ireland include Gaelic games (including Gaelic football , hurling and camogie ), association football , horse racing , show jumping , greyhound racing , basketball , fishing , handball , motorsport , boxing , tennis , hockey , golf , rowing , cricket , and rugby union . sport n (usage fréquent) (pluriel: sports) Le basket est un sport passionnant. sports sth. quantify the benefits of its products and then match consumer and product. disciplines, qui a pour résultat un classement et donne. Sports coverage, breaking news, live results and complete sport information: football, basket, tennis, Formula 1, MotoGP, etc. is playing a strong catalyst role in bringing together communities from different cultures. Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Drone Racing - Sport of the Future ? [...] my son or daughte r in different sports. occasion de lutter contre le racisme, de sensibiliser et de donner l'exemple. davantage sur certains repères importants de la vie canadienne d'autrefois. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents. spécifique, globalement reconnue par la population finlandaise, eu égard aux succès remportés par l'équipe finlandaise dans cette compétition internationale. Par exemple, le kayak attire des participants de tout âge, de tout. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "sport" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. dat. Those who watch others playing sports are called fans. While some fans watch sports on television, others actually go to stadiums or other places where people pay to watch them in person. Bonding over sports games is a great way to make new friends. une société internet basée au Luxembourg. traduction faire du sport dans le dictionnaire Français - Anglais de Reverso, voir aussi 'se faire',faire enregistrer',faire frire',faire infuser', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques 1 An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Le squash est un sport très physique. Sport English - All the news from the world of sport. quantifier les avantages de ses produits, puis rapprocher le client ou la cliente et le produit. They need coaches to teach or train teams or individuals how to do better. football, joue un rôle de catalyseur essentiel en réunissant des communautés de cultures différentes. More example sentences. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. to learn about some key features of early Canadian life. your resilience, stress resistance and performance. obtiennent une commandite du secteur privé. you will have been sporting.