Take a look at the General Data Protection Regulation, for example. We use cookies to improve our service for you. That was the case with family policy several years ago and the same process is now taking place with climate policy. - We underestimated the industry's difficulties in increasing production as soon as the vaccine arrived, and mass-producing the vaccine. The unemployment reinsurance plan, meanwhile, is essentially no different than the program we used in Germany to get through the hard times following the 2008 financial crisis. Von der Leyen: We have to speak in depth about this issue. DER SPIEGEL: The U.S. ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, claims that with the sanctions introduced against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the U.S. has the support of 15 European countries, the European Parliament and the European Commission. In the interview with German newspapers, Von der Leyen reiterated that the EU's contract with AstraZeneca states that vaccines destined for the bloc would be produced in both EU and UK plants. 3:19 pm. Ursula von der Leyen: There are always ups and downs in politics, particularly in times of crisis. Or would it perhaps make sense to disengage from someone like Orbán and give up the principle of unanimity? DER SPIEGEL: It was almost like you had disappeared. Von der Leyen: The consequences of Brexit will actually be less severe when it comes to foreign and security policy. We defend democracy together, something that isn't self-evident in the world of today. Send Facebook Twitter reddit EMail Facebook Messenger Web Whatsapp Web Telegram linkedin. "The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad — for work or tourism," she announced on Twitter. DER SPIEGEL: In Brussels, many see you as an emissary of Merkel's, but in Berlin, there is a feeling that you are closely aligned with French President Emmanuel Macron, who essentially opened the door to your appointment. I spent time in the U.S. during my schooling and later lived there for several years. SPIEGEL+-Zugang wird gerade auf einem anderen Gerät genutzt. EU must get better organised in security and defence, for example with civil and military planning facility, says Minister Ursula von der Leyen (Germany) In France, the yellow vest protests were triggered by gas prices of 1.80 euros per liter. The European Union is the most diverse and livable place on the planet because it has consistently been able to translate diverse interests and cultural currents into a shared movement. Is that still your goal now that you have become president of the European Commission? According to figures collected by Oxford University's Our World In Data, a little over 3% of the EU population had been vaccinated by Tuesday. Our priority is rapid assistance and it will be provided. But the contrary is currently the case, even when it comes to fundamental values such as the freedom of the press and of research. DER SPIEGEL: What do you think of the proposal from Robert Habeck, the co-head of the German Green Party, that Germany should focus on accepting children from the Greek camps? It's not just about trade policy, but also about security issues and fishing rights, to name just a couple of examples. DER SPIEGEL: The Brexiteers have promised that the United Kingdom will be better off without the EU. Ursula von der Leyen, the European commission’s first female president, was “surprised” after being left without a chair during a meeting … It is important to me that Europe achieves a sustainable solution for protecting our borders and for a humane migration policy. “I am aware that only a country can be a speedboat, while the EU is more like an oil tanker,” said Von der Leyen. Ursula von der Leyen: Die überwiegende Zahl von Familien kommt wunderbar mit ihren Kindern zurecht und kümmert sich so, wie es besser kein anderer machen könnte. Social equality is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal and must go hand-in-hand with investments in a clean future. To take one example, we in Europe are working towards CO2-neutral steel production in a few years. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said drugmaker AstraZeneca could face a ban on exports of coronavirus vaccine doses it produces in the EU if it did not meet its delivery obligations. For how long do you intend to stand by and watch? But there are also moments when Europe must take strong, rapid action. DER SPIEGEL: The British government would like to secure a comprehensive deal on future relations by the end of 2020. The reasoning behind the CO2 border tax is quite simple. Von der Leyen: It is a major concern of mine because time is extremely short for the vast number of questions that have to be negotiated. Von der Leyen: That was early on in his term and a lot has changed since then. DER SPIEGEL: Ms. President, when you spoke about the European Union with DER SPIEGEL in a 2011 interview, you threw your support behind the concept of a "United States of Europe." When we invest in building improvements, then heating costs sink for tenants, even if energy will cost more in the future. Poland and Hungary are veering toward a more autocratic model. How severely does Brexit weaken EU foreign and security policy? The 5G and 6G infrastructures are critical technologies for the secure flow of data in Europe, for our economy, for public administration and for the private sector. The focus will be on reforming the Dublin Regulation and on organizing asylum proceedings at the EU level. I am convinced that fundamentally, we are on the same side of the table as the Americans, even if we may disagree on some issues internally. Klicken Sie auf den Button, spielen wir den Hinweis auf dem anderen Gerät aus und Sie können SPIEGEL+ weiter nutzen. Von der Leyen: We're certainly not standing by and watching. I've already mentioned CO2-neutral steel production. I have spoken with many heads of state and government in recent months and my impression is that all of them are eager to leave behind this period of paralysis. URSULA von der Leyen's incompetent heading up of the EU's calamitous vaccination programme inadvertently kickstarted the UK's booming vaccine industry, an expert has claimed. As such, I have a sense for the unique perspective of America and the Americans. European commission chief defends record, saying EU’s slower approval process was ‘right decision’. Your predecessor Jean-Claude Juncker was able to gain a modicum of respect through his chummy style. And come on, I was responsible for introducing the first minimum wage in Germany, in the caregiving sector. She won by a slim majority, with 383 out of 747 votes. In parallel, I worked on securing the confidence of the heads of state and government. That has to be Europe's calling card. In an exclusive interview with the Bulgarian National Radio, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the pandemic with the coronavirus was still in a critical moment, despite some better news heard in recent days. Legal notice | The 28 EU member countries have agreed on their nominees for the bloc's top jobs. In the family, she has been known since childhood as Röschen, a diminutive of Rose. Do all countries really have to participate in everything together? What do they look like? Ursula von der Leyen 'Lack of perspective': why Ursula von der Leyen's EU vaccine strategy is failing ... “We’re tired of being the scapegoat,” Von der Leyen said in a recent interview. You are planning to submit proposals on the issue soon. (16.07.2019) Von der Leyen: I don't see it as a vertical arrangement. Yet the EU is in the process of losing a strong partner. Von der Leyen: Slow down a bit. DER SPIEGEL: Ms. President, we thank you for this interview. Britain isn't just one of the largest economies in the EU but also one of two permanent members of the UN Security Council from Europe and one of two nuclear powers in Europe. Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf. The former German defence minister, who took command of the EU’s executive branch in 2019, said … European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has no shortage of challenges facing her as she begins her tenure. The people can't really wait until you and the EU member states come up with a universal concept. It became clear to the Eastern Europeans that we also had to develop military structures within the EU. All member states will have to be ready to contribute to deeper integration. There is a national intelligence law in China that would seem to include the possibility of exactly that sort of coercion. To create a level playing field, we either need a CO2 border tax or China can introduce an emissions trading scheme, which would be even better. As labor minister at the time, I found the instrument to be quite useful. That was the essence of European Council President Charles Michel’s response to fierce criticism of his decision, on a visit to Ankara Tuesday, to take a seat next to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan while European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was relegated to a sofa.. Michel came under heavy attack from across the European political spectrum all … Our path is that of investing in new, clean energies. The U.S. has levied sanctions pertaining to the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Contact We have to better prepare ourselves for those moments. Von der Leyen, a former German defense minister, said while collective decision-making could be cumbersome, it ensures that the poorest countries in the EU are not left behind, according to French newspaper La Croix . In July, I was elected with a razor-thin majority of just nine votes. That is why the European Defense Union could only really get going after the Brexit referendum. Even beyond those two issues, there is a fair amount of friction between the U.S. and the EU. That is why we want to initially focus on issues where the lack of a deal could create the largest problems due to the absence of international rules that would apply in the case of a hard Brexit. Von der Leyen: First and foremost, I am a European. Ursula von der Leyen was left without a seat at a summit in Ankara on Tuesday after her two male counterparts took the only available chairs, leaving her to perch on a nearby sofa. The first day of the annual Munich Security Conference has seen Germany's defense minister criticising US moves to cut spending on the United Nations. Von der Leyen admitted that the bloc could have better foreseen possible problems in vaccine production and that its failure to do so may have led to exaggerated expectations. One after the other, they have silently buried their erstwhile strident demands for "Grexit," "Dexit" or "Frexit." Many cities and regions in the U.S., along with the state of California, continue to operate within the framework of the Paris Agreement. DER SPIEGEL: But when it comes to existential questions, that path doesn't lead the EU to solutions. DER SPIEGEL: You have said that Europe must be more self-confident on the world stage and have referred to the EU executive under your leadership as the "geopolitical Commission." DER SPIEGEL: Another conflict with the U.S. centers around the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei. She spoke with DER SPIEGEL about Donald Trump, climate change and the state of democracs inside the EU. Von der Leyen: Together with all member states, we have collected ideas with the goal of arriving at a common European position. DER SPIEGEL: There are a variety of different ways to approach Trump. We aren't focused on a single company, rather we as the EU want to develop fundamental standards. The EU chief also defended the joint procurement program, saying that the aim had been to avoid competition among the 27 member states over doses, even if that meant the process progressed slower. Of course, there are controversial issues when it comes to economic and trade relations, but that's just part of the story. By adopting it, we established a new standard for the entire world in support of a form of digitalization that starts with individuals and seeks to respect the rights of people. I intend to present a comprehensive migration package this spring. The European Commission had no competence in health policy, and it took us some time to convince the member states that we should have a common European approach. That is the correct path: debate with each-other, but stay together. On the day after I presented my Green Deal, the EU heads of state and government brought their months of discussions to an end and agreed to the goal of making the EU climate neutral by 2050. hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Nachrichten des Tages, die beliebtesten Geschichten von SPIEGEL+ und Tipps für Ihren Feierabend. Analysts have their doubts that the Commission's plan will achieve "a lot." Six years ago, Mali faced collapse in the face of terror, and there was a political will in Europe to do something to help. That, too, is a reason to be proud of Europe. Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews. Von der Leyen said the EU was “just starting” and the commission’s strategy was “the right one”, in an interview with Le Monde and other European newspapers. DER SPIEGEL: The images from Greece, the overflowing refugee camps: It all combines to paint a shameful picture of Europe. Von der Leyen used three languages in her speech: in order of appearance, French, English and German. One of these standards has to be that the companies that provide us with these highly sensitive technologies are independent and cannot be coerced by their governments to provide data. | Mobile version, goal of vaccinating 70% of the adult population. The German Commission president has in turn been accused of being too focused on politics in her home country in her reaction to the controversy. Ultimately, the European Court of Justice will issue a verdict. Von der Leyen: It is true that the pipeline project also has a political dimension and that the European Commission with its funding is protecting the interests of eastern member states. Many EU countries have been under fire for their lackluster vaccination programs in comparison to countries such as Israel and the UK. And that's why you have to evaluate the final result. DER SPIEGEL: That would take Huawei out of the equation. The European Commission's failure to obtain sufficient vaccines is causing frustration among Member States. Over the last five years, the international situation has shown that it isn't helpful for any country to stand completely on its own. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen acknowledged failures in the procurement of coronavirus vaccines in an interview with German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung and other foreign media on Thursday evening. In my generation, the priority is that of putting Europe in a strong position. The EU came under fire for its hesitation to procure more vaccine doses earlier. This problem came to a head when the EU threatened to stop exports of the AstraZeneca vaccine from the EU to the UK over concerns that the EU was not receiving its fair share. Ernst Albrecht war bis 1971 für die EG tätig, zuletzt als Generaldirektor. "We focussed a lot on the question of whether there would be a vaccine, on its development," the EU chief said. Washington is demanding that EU countries not rely on the company when it comes to expanding the 5G network. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen acknowledged failures in the procurement of coronavirus vaccines in an interview with German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung … The EU has come under heavy fire for its slow vaccine roll out in comparison to some other countries. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Which of these controversial issues will you discuss first? Otherwise, they would never have united behind the target of climate neutrality. Stromeyer (1927–2002). Munich Security Conference - DW talks to Ursula von der Leyen, German Defense Minister | DW English. Sorry not sorry. Brexit has cost a lot of political capital. Sie ist die Tochter des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Ernst Albrecht (1930–2014) und dessen Ehefrau Heidi Adele geb. DER SPIEGEL: There are issues such as migration on which the EU is in complete disagreement. DER SPIEGEL: You plan on visiting U.S. President Donald Trump in the coming weeks. Von der Leyen: It is completely normal for Europe and the U.S. to defend their own interests. DER SPIEGEL: Listening to you, one could be forgiven for assuming that you are from the Green Party. The new EC President-elect Ursula von der Leyen’s first interview came out of a meeting in Berlin with journalists from a consortium of five European newspapers: La Vanguardia in Spain, La Stampa in Italy, Le Monde in France, Sueddeutsche Zeitung in Germany, and The Guardian in the UK. "Of course, a country on its own can be a speed boat, the EU is more like a tanker," Von der Leyen said. DER SPIEGEL: Poland insisted on an exception. Von der Leyen: The Commission is in touch with the Greek government. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen faced criticism last month for the slow pace of the vaccine rollout after AstraZeneca Plc delayed shipments to the EU. Aber es gibt Familien, in denen Kinder wegen Armut, Gewalt oder Drogenabhängigkeit der Eltern seelisch und körperlich verwahrlosen. His comment at the time that NATO was obsoletetriggered the necessary momentum in Europe to modernize NATO and to get the ball rolling toward a European Defense Union. This interview was originally published in the Dec. 28, 2019 issue of DER SPIEGEL. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has no shortage of challenges facing her as she begins her tenure. I would like to see Europe exporting such products and technologies to the wider world and not a situation in which other powers one day force us to take action or become innovation drivers themselves. I remember the beginning of the pandemic. That will result in a clean product that will benefit the global climate and will likely be a bit more expensive. Where are the limits of what can be demanded from citizens when it comes to climate protection? When it comes to initial meetings, a lot depends on intuition. Your political role model Wolfgang Schäuble once spoke of a two-speed Europe. DER SPIEGEL: The U.S. has threatened to slap punitive tariffs on German cars. Privacy Policy | I know the Americans well. DER SPIEGEL: A liter of gasoline costs around 1.40 euros at German gas stations. The EU Commission president said that the bloc was sticking with its goal of vaccinating 70% of the adult population by the end of the summer, but that there would likely be further problems and obstacles on the way. Von der Leyen: Europe is in a strong position as an economic power, and we are seen around the world as a defender of the rule of law. Von der Leyen: It is clear that the costs for climate protection can't simply be passed on one-to-one. The Commission will put forward a legislative proposal this month on a digital green pass that proves a traveler has been vaccinated against the coronavirus, President Ursula von der Leyen said Monday. You are, of course, familiar with the reports that Germans are flying more than ever before. Von der Leyen: As president of the European Commission, I cannot interfere in German national politics. Among your most ambitious goals is the European Green Deal, which includes a CO2 border tax designed to protect European companies. Von der Leyen: The great thing about the last several weeks is that I was able to put together my own majority in European Parliament. However, Ursula von der Leyen said they are still working on the details of the fund. Isn't that just an emulation of Trump's use of trade policy as a weapon? The vaccination programme in the UK has enjoyed a head start through compromising on “safety and efficacy” safeguards, the European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, has claimed. "We should have told people that it is progressing, but slowly, and that this completely new process will have problems and delays," she told the press. During your tenure as German defense minister, you had harsh words of criticism for Trump on occasion - for his comments about NATO, for example, but also for his closeness with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Two of my children are American citizens. When the population has advanced further than the parties, then it is time to rethink one's own concepts. It's not always easy, but Europe arrives at a fair settlement, while in the U.S. things are frequently imbalanced in favor of the market or, in China, the state. What I really value in our member states is that they accept it - sometimes only begrudgingly and with fists balled in their pockets - but they accept it when the rule of law speaks. Von der Leyen: I'm going to go into the meeting with a completely open mind. But we didn't have the necessary structures. Von der Leyen: Poland may need more time, but it didn't question the goal of climate neutrality itself. And in the cases of Poland and Hungary, our message is extremely clear. DER SPIEGEL: But what if people don't want to change their lifestyles? What would you like to achieve? The U.S. wants to destroy the nuclear deal with Iran while Europe would like to save it. A clear majority of the European population wants policymakers to do something to address global warming. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen defended the EU's vaccination record on Sunday and doubled down on ambitious inoculation … Ursula von der Leyen has confessed that the EU underestimated possible complications and delays in vaccine production, but defended the bloc's joint procurement program. DER SPIEGEL: You are demanding that Europe play a more self-confident role on the world stage. But I still, of course, stand for the politics that I practiced in the past. Her father Ernst Albrecht worked as one of the first European civil servants from the establishment of the European Commission in 1958, first as chef de cabinet to the European commissioner for competition Hans von der Groeben in the Hallstein Commission, and then as director-general of the Directorate-General for Competi… The aeronautics industry is conducting intensive research into the possibility of using hydrogen as a power source. Is he right? DER SPIEGEL: Where do you see Europe from a geopolitical perspective? Von der Leyen: We are facing a huge task, but there is also new momentum. It Certainly Didn't Hurt Europe', Paris Soloist: Macron Plays Fox in the EU Hen House. We won't solve the problem by forcibly compelling certain EU member states to act. Von der Leyen: The "United States of Europe" is a project for my children. DER SPIEGEL: Your own project, one intended to demonstrate Europe's renewed strength, is a climate package known as the Green Deal. Climate protection is supported by 26 additional EU countries. The Dublin system, according to which the country where an asylum seeker first arrives is solely responsible for asylum proceedings and accommodation, is simply unfair for countries like Italy, Spain or Greece that are particularly exposed. Both sides, though, are now eager to establish close cooperation. URSULA von der Leyen admitted the European Union had committed a series of arrogant mistakes when undertaking the rollout of the coronavirus vaccination programme. You can find more information in our data protection declaration. Von der Leyen: I don't think that is a good idea. “This is a message to AstraZeneca: You fulfill your part of the deal toward Europe before … If Brexit is, indeed, successful, it could become something that populists from other countries in Europe will seek to emulate. The article you are reading originally appeared in German in issue 1/2020 (December 28th, 2019) of DER SPIEGEL. If the French hadn't forcefully intervened, Mali would have ceased playing its role as a stabilizing element in the Sahel region. © 2021 Deutsche Welle | Von der Leyen: We won't solve the problems by making flying impossible or banning driving. German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen had faced an uphill battle as a compromise candidate. Are you a Macron ally? Von der Leyen was born in 1958 in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium, where she lived until she was 13 years old. Von der Leyen: My first priority will be that of describing just how good day-to-day relations between Americans and Europeans actually are. Just think of the many nights in the European Council during which Brexit was discussed instead of important issues like the climate, migration or the further integration of the internal market. Ursula von der Leyen was sitting in her converted flat next to her office in the EU's palatial HQ in Berlaymont when the phone started ringing. Von der Leyen: But this focus on internal work and on the Parliament was worth it. Heads of government like Viktor Orbán of Hungary are quite happy to benefit from the EU financially but are otherwise opposed to almost everything for which Europe stands. SPIEGEL+ kann nur auf einem Gerät zur selben Zeit genutzt werden. We used the time to assemble the current Commission and to refine our program, with the result that I now, after four months, enjoy a broad majority for my team. The EU has grown in the last several years, and I don't mean just economically. DER SPIEGEL: The EU can only demonstrate strength externally if it is unified internally. "In hindsight we should have given more thought in parallel to the challenges of mass production.". Von der Leyen: There has been no movement on the issue lately, but migration will be something that Europe will have to face for decades to come. Will you continue using the same tone with him? If there is a risk that data from citizens or companies could be accessed as a result of this law, then we cannot accept it. Das Thema des Tages: Ursula von der Leyen im Interview Am 1. Is that realistic? How do you intend to garner the support of all 27 member states? What is your strategy? In third place behind the U.S. and China? She told Germany's Funke Media Group in an interview published Saturday that the EU had the "possibility" to ban exports. On the other hand, though, the European Commission is vehemently opposed to sanctions against European companies that are legal participants in projects. VIDEO 1:56 01:56 There are millions of friendships and links: in the private sphere, in the world of science and business, and culturally. In contrast to other areas, the British were extremely reserved when it came to joint security policy and blocked some advances within the EU. But you're actually a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union. In a surprise move the leaders nominated. In an interview with DW's Melinda Crane, Ursula von der Leyen hailed recent European efforts to bolster military cooperation. The number of SUV registrations is also climbing by the year. The Brexit drama has already become a bitter lesson for all those populists who have fantasized about leaving the EU. Hungary and other Eastern European countries simply reject the notion that they should accept a larger number of migrants should the need arise. One of the foundations of our European Union is the rule of law and we are using the processes that we have available to us in situations when things are going in the wrong direction. And I gave no interviews at all. In an exclusive interview with Express.co.uk, Mar Aguilera Vaqués, professor of constitutional law at the University of Barcelona, warned EU chief Ursula von der Leyen her plans could indeed be thrown into disarray. The EU must now forge ahead. DER SPIEGEL: If we may, your program reads as though Macron wrote it: climate protection, European minimum wage, a "European unemployment benefits reinsurance scheme.". For the large coal-mining regions, we are planning a multi-billion-euro fund to help companies and people make the adjustment. After that, I started to speak frequently and directly with the representatives, for many hours at a time. I want to further develop the leadership role in areas like climate policy and digitalization, for example. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen comments on the delay in an exclusive interview with SVT. Von der Leyen: It's not the countless promises that matter, but reality. DER SPIEGEL: Trump has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement on the climate and has also chosen a confrontational approach to Europe on trade.